Inversion therapy is an increasingly popular therapeutic method for the treatment of certain spinal problems, as well as issues related to a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Inversion therapy is a process by which an individual is gently inverted on an inversion table at an approximate sixty-degree angle. It is used for many different medical conditions that are the result of muscular imbalances, joint problems or spinal misalignments. The most common form of inversion therapy involves the use of a special table that has an individual’s head resting on its surface. The other parts of the body are supported by specially fabricated hinged tubes called stretchers. The main advantage of this type of therapy is that gravity does not play a role in the procedure. Chiropractors may suggest this if you go to ‘chiropractic for pain‘ sessions, but they will need to assess you first to see what problems your body is having.

The list of Inversion table benefits goes on. These range from improved blood circulation, reduced blood pressure, and improved posture and balance to improved nerve function, relieving back pain, and even reversing the effects of aging. The list goes on as well. The top three Inversion benefits that people typically cite are:

Improved Blood Circulation: Because gravity does not pull at our spine when we are standing up straight, it can lead to constricted blood flow around the body. This can lead to clogged arteries, decreased oxygen supply to the cells and fatigue. By having the head slightly bent backwards, gravity helps to increase the amount of time that the circulation is able to circulate throughout the body, and helps oxygen get to where it is needed. A hanging upside down position during the inversion treatment allows the blood to be able to better escape gravity. This improved circulation allows the body to naturally heal itself.

Reduced Back Pain Relief: Another one of the more popular reasons people choose to use an Inversion Table is because it offers back pain relief by taking pressure off of their spine and vertebrae. When you have a heavier spine, you will notice that your posture can also change. You may find that you lean forward to push against the excess weight and, over time, this can cause chronic back problems. An Inversion Table can also help alleviate these problems by taking pressure off of the spine while the person is upside down. This improved brain function can also lead to better hand eye coordination. As the muscles and ligaments surrounding the spine become relaxed, they can then better transfer brain signals to the rest of the body, leading to an overall improvement in bodily functions. However, if there are no signs of relief from the acute back pain, you can consult a local medical professional similar to Dr Timothy Steel who can provide you with necessary medications and treatments to get rid of back pain,

Reduced Spinal Traction: There are other benefits to using Inversion tables for pain relief besides simply improving blood circulation. The Inversion movement that is used in Inversion therapy can also help with spinal compression. When the spine is compressed, it can cause pain, tingling, and even numbness. By applying increased spinal traction, which is caused by the Inversion table, the pain will subside.

Overall, the Inversion Therapy Table is one of the most popular methods of pain relief due to its multiple health promoting attributes. Inversion therapy not only promotes fitness and reduced stress levels, but it can also provide a number of other benefits such as improved blood circulation, improved brain functioning, improved spinal traction, and reduction in the potential for back pain related issues. This makes the Inversion Table one of the most beneficial forms of physical therapy equipment you can purchase. Its many benefits make it worth the investment.

Zoe Kickhefer