When it comes to exercising and working out, often too much is emphasised on the exercise itself rather than getting the appropriate recovery where the muscles grow during the resting period. Therefore, more focus has now been put towards the recovery process itself and how this can be aided and speeded up to get athletes back to their best sooner than later.

Normatec boots work with the purpose of getting your legs back to feeling normal, whether it is helping the muscles recover post workout or warming them up pre workout. Normatec boots get the blood flowing by massaging the legs to increase the blood flow in this area, scientifically proven to increase oxygen levels and improve recovery. With its many dual uses, it is easy to see why it is so popular among top athletes looking to get an edge on their recovery. Speeding up the recovery process has many benefits not only getting the athlete back to feeling their best but also when they could potentially get their next training/exercise in again to keep going. This blog will look into how Normatec boots work and the benefits it has for the individual with regards to their recovery, so keep on reading to find out more!

Technology behind Normatec Boots

The technology in Normatec boots has been patented as it offers a unique combination of massage techniques compared to other recovery products out there. Helping to increase the blood flow and increase oxygen levels to the muscles, quickening the recovery. Proving very useful whether you are looking to warm up or recover! Furthermore, it is customisable as the boots from Normatec are paired to an app via bluetooth, so with your phone you can choose how long you want to wear the boots and what setting is appropriate for you. This is especially useful personalising it for the individual as each workout will require different levels of recovery depending on length of time and intensity.

Trusted by the majority of Professional teams out there who specialise in physio and recovery working around top athletes, it is easy to see why Normatec boots are so highly sought after. At the top levels of sport it comes down to fine margins, whether this be a boxer such as Anthony Joshua or a footballer like Gareth Bale who have both been seen sporting Normatec boots, taking advantage of gaining an edge on every part of their training, specifically the recovery process. As previously mentioned there are many benefits to speeding up the recovery process, which Normatec boots have been specifically designed and proven to do. The fact it is also customisable, means it can be applied to a wide range of athletes across all different sports, as we know different activities work different muscles in the body. Therefore, if an athlete has had a particularly intense workout, they can follow guidelines on how long to wear Normatec boots to get the most out of their recovery compared to a low intensity workout where an athlete may only want to wear them for a short time post workout.

Zoe Kickhefer