Some people swear by their bonsai trees for everything. For whatever reason, I am not one of them. If my bonsai trees stopped growing, I’d find some other way to spend my spare time. Fortunately, they don’t have to grow as much as we do to reach their potential. In many cases, they can pretty much keep their form forever. Some bonsai trees can even grow more than we can handle.

That doesn’t mean bonsai trees are without risk, as is the case with pretty much everything under the sun, including that new online casino you’ve been meaning to try out. Sometimes trees die without any warning. Some trees can be difficult to transplant. Even worse, some bonsai trees are simply too tiny to keep from breaking off, ruining the tree.

In addition to how large or fragile a bonsai tree is, it can also be a mistake to attempt to grow them in a woody environment. Many people try to grow bonsai trees in a desert environment, only to discover the hard truth that plants and trees will rot in even the most desert-like environments. No matter how hard you try to keep them small, they can get lost in a forest, getting out of their habitat.

Which is why some of the easiest trees to grow are the strangest. The truth is, most people would like to have unusual trees. Most people would like to grow bonsai trees that aren’t leafy green trees with long stalks of hair or bark.

That being said, it can also be difficult to know where to start. With so many trees, trying to find out which ones are the best for growing can be a nightmare. This list of the easiest trees to grow attempts to point you in the right direction.

On this list, there are five trees that are among the easiest to grow.

#1 Monolopy Cypress

With their floppy branches, these trees are impossible not to find attractive. Just like many other trees, the branches are bigger than they should be.

It would be easy to get the same results by growing these trees in a desert environment, where their branches are too big for their environments. When growing them in a forest setting, it is best to have a larger structure than a normal tree.

The biggest problem with these trees is that they are very susceptible to disease. They can also break off if you give them the wrong instructions on how to grow. If you do decide to grow these trees in a forest setting, you might want to do so on a larger scale, away from other trees.

On a small scale, they can be easy to grow, due to their general easy-care attributes.

On a large scale, it’s harder to keep them healthy. This is because the branches will soon look too small for their surroundings, so they’ll be harder to keep healthy.

Even if the tree doesn’t break off, they can be hard to keep healthy. That’s because their branches grow so rapidly, so it’s easy for them to be attacked by wood-rotting insects.

Fortunately, even the most unwelcoming of forests can be helped by the right plant nutrition. So, if you want a tree with a beautiful shape and leaves, but a hard life, give these trees a try.

#2 Amaryllis Bulbs

While these are not the easiest to grow, I’d suggest you try to grow a few of them for your landscape anyway. It just seems wrong not to. Besides, there’s no better way to have a fresh orchid bloom in the winter.

This plant makes me think of Easter flowers. Their colourful blooms are beautiful. They are fragile though. If you break off a leaf by accident, you might be sad, but the flower won’t break. It will just turn brown and fall off the plant.

This makes these plants good for the novice, especially if you’re trying to grow an outdoor Christmas tree. If you choose an especially good spot to plant them, you might even get a bonus blooming in the spring.

That being said, keep them small. To keep a tree from growing too big, the branches must be smaller than the tree. If the branches are bigger, they will grow out of their shape. If they grow too big, you will end up with a tree with very uneven branches.

That being said, it is hard to grow these plants on a small scale. But if you have a larger space to plant a tree, it is the best place to go.

Zoe Kickhefer